Building Our Community: A Valuable Lesson in Cooperation

Years ago, at a previous position, I worked as a program director for a community center in a low-income area. The center had a work program for teenage youth to earn income while working on property owned by the nonprofit organization that managed the center.

I was asked on one occasion to supervise the youth on a nearby project of cleaning up trash on one of our properties. The property was not built on, and litter would accumulate from people who wandered over to it. 


A Real-Life Problem

When we reached the field, there were quite a bit of empty bottles and other trash lying on the grass. However, there was also a group of individuals occupying one end of the property who were not supposed to be there. They were drinking, playing music, and loitering. 


I was concerned about the teenagers seeing these individuals and being taken in by how they were living. We were trying to give them structure and guidance in our community center programs and give them an opportunity to lead better lives. I was also concerned because we were supposed to clean the area where these people were, and I did not want to have a confrontation. 


A Friendly Approach

I had the youth begin cleaning the unoccupied area, while I decided on how to handle the situation. I wanted to set a good example for them. I decided to approach the group by myself and ask them to leave without taking on an authoritative tone, in the hope that they would respect my friendly approach and not have a negative reaction. 


In response, they were very friendly, and said that they liked what we were doing for the kids. To my surprise, they started to help us clean up! By the time we were finished, the place had been cleaned, positive relations had been built, and the youth and I got a great lesson in cooperation.


Situations like these go to show that we are all a part of the community, even if we come from different backgrounds and living situations. We all want to get along, and, of course, we want the best for today’s youth. Through mutual respect and cooperation, we can learn and work together, and become a friendlier and stronger community.


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