Mystery Website: Your Questions Answered For 3 Or More of Your Key Life Areas

Are you looking for knowledgeable sources of fundamental information on how to approach different areas of your life?  

Maybe you would like to eat healthier, but don’t know what types of food to have on a regular basis.

Or you need help with your finances, and don’t know much about budgeting.

Are you looking for a new job, and don’t know where or how to find one that fits what you are interested in? 

An Underutilized Website 

Believe it or not, there is a free source of information about these, and more, situations, which is right at your fingertips. Well, it’s actually not exactly free – you have to pay taxes for it every year.

That’s right, I’m talking about the U.S. government! Surprised? Read on . . .  

The government has many departments and agencies that can educate you with basic and foundational knowledge on a variety of subjects:

  • health (physical and mental )

  • finances and investing

  • career

  • college grants and loans

  • small business

  • volunteer opportunities

  • and more . . .

They can all be found on the website,

Popular Programs 

A simple start to accessing any of this free information is to go to the website, that has popular government programs and services listed.

On the menu bar, click on the tab, ”All Topics and Services.” You will be directed to a page with many different topics and their descriptions. 

Some of them include: 


There are many subjects covered in this section, including healthcare and insurance, hospitals, and medications.

For general health information, you can navigate to, or just go directly to, and you will come to a page that has information under “Food and Nutrition“ and “Physical Activity,” among other topics.

Here, you can learn about the Dietary Guidelines and Physical Activity Guidelines, which are based on scientific studies.  

Also, under the Health heading in, are more recently addressed areas such as Covid-19 information, under “State Health Departments,” and mental health, under “Mental Health and Substance Abuse.”     


While you’re at, you can also check out the “Money and Taxes” section.  Here, you will be educated on areas such as “Spending, Saving, and Investing,” and “Credit and Debt.”

You can also learn about government “Benefits, Grants, and Loans,” such as Social Security, food assistance, and student financial aid. 


On the menu bar, you can also find the tab, “Jobs and Unemployment.”

This will take you to a page where you can find the “Looking for a New Job” heading. In this section you have access to career help, with ( at, under “Find a Job”) comprehensive information and services, including:

  • career planning

  • job research

  • resume

  • interview assistance 

If you are interested in volunteering, under, click on the “Public Service and Volunteers Opportunities” heading, for government volunteer positions. 

There is also a section under titled, “Small Business,” where you can learn about starting and financing your own business, among other steps. 


Who knew? The programs and services listed in this article are just some of the many helpful ones provided by the U.S. government.

Just go to to learn more in-depth information about these topics, and many others, which can answer your questions and provide you with the foundational knowledge you need.

And best of all, it’s free ( not counting taxes, of course!  ;-) Happy searching!

For more free information on improving these and the rest of your 5 key life areas, check out my ebook, Build Your World.


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