The Value of Networking
Career, Social Dan Meyerson Career, Social Dan Meyerson

The Value of Networking

Are you looking for a new job? Or are you trying to change positions in your current field? Do you possibly want to help a friend or family member find work? Have you found limited success in filling out applications to companies you aren’t that familiar with? If so, you may try another strategy to finding a job: networking.

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Create a Community Advisory Board, and Watch Your Nonprofit Programs Flourish
Career Dan Meyerson Career Dan Meyerson

Create a Community Advisory Board, and Watch Your Nonprofit Programs Flourish

A great way to ensure having essential and quality programs for your community, is to create a Community Advisory Board, with residents that represent the area of the program. A specific example, such as for serving youth, is to form and lead a Parents’ Advisory Committee. Parents have the best interest of their kids at heart, and can be good sources of input regarding the classes, activities, and events that they want for them.

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11 Employer Best Workplace Practices to Gear Your Company for Success
Career Dan Meyerson Career Dan Meyerson

11 Employer Best Workplace Practices to Gear Your Company for Success

Are you wondering how to develop your company to be successful? Do you want to have your organization stand out from the rest? Do you want your workplace to be one in which every potential employee wants to be included?

The following “Employer Best Workplace Practices” will take you on the road to realize these goals, by providing a work environment that is geared for success.

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5 Employee Best Workplace Practices To Help Streamline Your Career
Career Dan Meyerson Career Dan Meyerson

5 Employee Best Workplace Practices To Help Streamline Your Career

Do you feel stick in the doldrums at work? Are you having trouble keeping a job, but not sure why? Are you interviewing for different positions, but not sure what the employer is looking for? Following is a list of “employee best workplace practices”, that if focused and acted on, can help you get, as well as keep, the job you want.

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6 Benefits of Receiving Career Counseling to Get the Job You Want
Career Dan Meyerson Career Dan Meyerson

6 Benefits of Receiving Career Counseling to Get the Job You Want

Are you looking for a new job, or wanting to transfer to one in another field? Do you need more confidence and help in finding the right position and presenting yourself in a job interview, in order to get hired for your ideal position?
You may want to consult with a career counselor, to help you in your job search journey. Here are 6 ways a career counselor can help you get the position that you are looking for:

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3 Keys to Grow and Keep Your Volunteer Base
Career Dan Meyerson Career Dan Meyerson

3 Keys to Grow and Keep Your Volunteer Base

Some types of programs are impossible to run without adequate staffing, and your budget may allow for only so many employees to supervise and implement activities. That is why it is important to be able to recruit, train, and retain volunteers, so that you can meet increasing needs . . .

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