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Build Your World:

Simple Strategies for Happiness and Success in 5 Key Life Areas

This e-book is a simple and practical how-to guide to improving your life in five key areas:

Personal, Health, Financial, Career, and Social. 

It is based on the view that it is valuable to be able to take steps forward in each part of your life. By doing so, you can feel good about the direction in which you are heading. This guide has been created for the purpose of helping you along that road.

In this guide you will find:

  • Sound ways to help make each of 5 key parts of your life better, whether through education, choices, simple actions, or other basic approaches.

  • How to write a mission statement, set effective goals, and take action to reach for more positive living

  • How you can combine nutrition, exercise, and wellness for optimal health

  • A simplified approach to creating an overall financial plan for yourself

  • How to combine 5 career segments into doing the type of work you want

  • 7 ways to network to improve your social life

  • Many valuable resources to which you can turn for additional information and guidance

You should find that this guide is long enough to be comprehensive, while short enough to be interesting. I hope that you enjoy reading it and that you feel better about your life once you’ve learned from and applied the steps in it.

To receive your Build Your World e-book for free, click on the following button:

Light Green Circle Real Food Recipe eBook Cover.jpg

Enjoy Food, Lose Weight, & Gain Vitality

Feel better and healthier by eating right, without giving up enjoyment!

Discover 31 ways to lose weight without dieting: 

•               11 Essential Guidelines 

•               5 Easy Weight Loss Strategies 

•               10 Mealtime Tips 

•               5 Snacktime Tips 


Here’s how you will benefit: 

•               End Yo-yo dieting forever. 

•               Healthy weight loss 

•               Enjoy food that tastes good 

•               Lasting energy 

•               Less cravings 

•              You will look and feel great  

I have personally lost and kept off about 30 lbs. in a healthy way, using the guidelines, strategies, and tips in this e-book! 

Learn how:

If you and I have one thing in common, it’s probably that we’ve both consumed thousands of meals leading up to this day. In fact, just about everyone born over a couple of years ago has.

So how is it that so many people, after all these sittings at the table, are as confused about food as ever? Simple - we’re fed mixed messages everywhere we go.

Just like a well-built house needs a solid foundation to be laid out, you need certain guidelines on which to base your eating habits. So I’m going to provide you with almost a dozen of them, which should serve you well over the long run.

Then I’m going to offer some tips to use, which should help you maintain your healthy eating while maximizing your enjoyment. Focus on improvement, not perfection, remember, you’ve got a lot of meals to practice these on. 

To receive your Enjoy Food, Lose Weight, & Gain Vitality e-book for free, click on the following button:


The Beginner’s Quick and Easy Guide to Volunteering

Do you feel like you’re missing purpose in your life? Do you want to have the opportunity to help others more? Would you like to gain skills and experience in the process, as well as meet new people?

This e-book was created with the person who is new to volunteering in mind. While it may be intimidating to choose from the wide array of volunteer opportunities out there, there is a process you can use to choose one that is right for you.

This easy-to-use guide will help you learn:

  • 3 types of reasons you may want to volunteer, and how they can easily translate into the right opportunity for you

  • 5 benefits that you can receive from volunteering, which can also help you determine the type of volunteer work you may want to do

  • 4 kinds of requirements that organizations may have for volunteers, to help you eliminate positions for which you do not meet them

  • The right place and position that fits your wants and needs, whether you know specifically what you want to do, or not

  • 4 possible steps to expect for your application process and orientation, which are usually a lot quicker and simpler than an employment application and training

  • 6 “Volunteer Best Practices” to help you succeed in your volunteer position

  • 25 Types of Volunteer Opportunities to Help Get You Started in Your Search for the Best Volunteer Position for You

My Volunteer Experience

  • Senior living communities

  • Hospitals

  • Food pantries

  • Mental health organizations

  • Financial coaching

  • Recreation centers

After reading this e-book, you will be equipped to handle the process of finding your ideal volunteer position, and receive the benefits and enjoyment from helping others for a good cause. I wish you the best on your volunteer journey!

To receive your The Beginner’s Quick and Easy Guide to Volunteering e-book for free, click on the following button:


The Youth Program Professional’s

Quick And Easy Guide To Success

Are you a new youth program professional, needing to bring participants to your new activities?

Or, are you an experienced youth director, needing some new ideas to improve and expand your program?

This e-book is meant to help new or established youth program professionals create and sustain successful youth programs, that help with youth development, and education, as well.

Its content is based on years of education: a Master's degree in Recreation; and experience working as a program director in different types of youth activity environments, including: a resort, a community center, nonprofit organizations, and a youth center.

I have put together the information in this e-book to help you create great activities, classes, and events, to help develop today’s youth, regardless of your work situation.

The benefits you will receive from this guidebook include:

  • 9 different kinds of youth programs

  • 48 types of youth activities, classes, and events

  • 9 teen programs

  • Plenty of links to helpful websites to make your work life easier

  • 5 essential ways to improve, and expand your youth programs

  • 75 ways to increase your youth attendance

  • 50 ways to work with youth with difficult issues

This e-book will provide you with the ideas and tools to create and build successful youth programs. I wish you success on your journey!

To receive your The Youth Program Professional’s Quick And Easy Guide To Success e-book for free, click on the following button:

If you are not involved in youth programs, but you know someone who may benefit from this e-book, please share the following link with them:

They can order the e-book from their preferred digital store, such as Apple or Nook, at no cost!


The Quick and Easy Guide To Create Popular & Successful Community Programs From the Ground Up

A simple and comprehensive e-book, with examples and links, to easily create the ideal sustainable programs for your community!

Written by a program director with a master’s degree and background in recreation, and experience in building community center programs from scratch, to successfully supervising volunteers, and leading a comprehensive number of classes, activities, and events with many enthusiastic and returning participants. I have also acted as a program developer/ volunteer coordinator for a nonprofit organization providing and growing youth leadership classes.

If you have dreamed of creating nonprofit community programs, but do not know where to start, then this is the guide for you!

Great for nonprofits starting community centers, youth centers, classes, senior programs, service projects, or any other community programs!

Including surveys, volunteer management, an advisory board, partnerships, and more!

Use this simple and proven system for building popular and successful community programs!

To receive your The Quick and Easy Guide To Create Popular & Successful Community Programs From the Ground Up e-book for free, click on the following button:

If you are not involved in community programs, but you know someone who may benefit from this e-book, please share the following link with them:

They can order the e-book from their preferred digital store, such as Apple or Nook, at no cost!