Learning From Sports

I grew up loving and playing basketball in the 1980’s and early 1990’s. Among my favorite professional players to watch were Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, and Michael Jordan. All of these players were very talented, but what helped them to become such great players, was that they built their games on the fundamentals of the game. They practiced proper form and improved their skills on shooting, dribbling, passing, rebounding, and defense, in order to become great all-around players.

It is said that sports are a microcosm of life. They teach youth the importance of teamwork, commitment, and effort. They also show us the importance of focusing on building from the basics, in order to become better players. As a kid, attending basketball camps, coaches did not just have us scrimmage and play no defense the whole time. They taught us the fundamentals of the game, and had us practice them. Makes sense, right?

So in life, whether it’s your health, finances, or possibly a career search, or other area of life, you need to begin with focusing on what’s basic and important, just like in sports, and build from there.

I don’t have all of the answers, but that is what I created this website to be about. Hopefully, you can benefit from it. I appreciate your coming here, and please e-mail me and let me know if there is anything I can improve upon.

- Dan Meyerson


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