Why You Should Avoid Fad Diets: The Best Way To Lose Weight and Enjoy Better Health

If you and I have one thing in common, it’s probably that we’ve both consumed lots of meals leading up to this day. In fact, just about everyone in this world has.

“So how is it that so many people, after all these sittings at the table, are as confused about food as ever? Simple - we’re fed mixed messages everywhere we go.”- Enjoy Food, Lose Weight, & Gain Vitality.

We learn about the low-carb diet, the Mediterranean diet, the caveman diet, the intermittent fasting diet, the keto diet, the vegan diet, and the juicing diet, among others. So how do you know what works, and what is a trend that you are being sold on?

The Reason for Fad Diets

First of all, why do we even have this problem of wondering which diets work, and what types of food to eat? The main issue seems to be that people are looking for a quick fix, like losing weight, instead of focusing on long-term health.

People seem to be more focused on their appearance, rather than their overall physical and mental health, and preventing illness and disease. They have more vain reasons, such as how they will look in a bathing suit, with summer coming up in a few weeks.

They are more interested in short-term goals, such as dropping many pounds, over just a few weeks, as opposed to helping their heart health, preventing diabetes, and lowering their blood-pressure over the long-run.

One study shows that the average adult will try over 100 different diets in their lifetime! People do not generally know where to turn for reliable information, and only 27% turn to their physician for advice.

The Problem with Fad Diets

The main problem with fad diets is that they do not offer a balance of nutrition of healthy fats, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins, and minerals. Without these essential nutrients, you can develop serious health problems. You can usually spot a fad diet, based on its promise for a quick fix, unrealistic claims, or attempts to sell a book or product, among other approaches.

Fad diets may work in the short-term, but often for unhealthy reasons. They may restrict calories, which can help with weight-loss, but afterwards, the weight is commonly regained, when the body readjusts. It can also cause not fat loss, which is usually targeted, but muscle and water loss, which can cause a person to lose weight, but is also not healthily sustainable.

The Healthy Long-term Solution

So what type of diet should a person follow if they are to avoid fad diets? You should avoid diets completely, and follow a healthy lifestyle over the rest of your life. This means having balanced nutrition and exercise. If you need to lose weight, you will need to eat 500 to 1,000 fewer calories per day to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week, which is a healthy rate of weight loss. Regular exercise can also help you lose weight and keep it off.

As are the other main areas of life, diet, as a component of health, requires a fundamental long-term approach to be helpful and effective. Read how it also should be combined with exercise and wellness for better overall health. Also, you should consult your physician regarding the best diet for you, based on your individual situation and nutritional needs.

Note: I currently follow a vegetarian diet, which is plant-based, but includes dairy products. This is for personal reasons, but for the long-term, not as a fad. However, like anyone, I do need to be careful to have a balanced diet including all of my necessary nutrients, for good health.


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