8 Solid Ways to Give Yourself a Better Chance to Graduate with Honors From College or Graduate School

Graduating with honors from college or graduate school may seem like a daunting task, but actually, you can put yourself in a good position to achieve this accomplishment. Even if the class lessons are difficult, you can set yourself apart with these simple steps, as well as giving your best effort, of course.

Set goals

Set goals for the grade you want to achieve in each of your classes. Post them in a place where you will see them everyday, to remind you and keep you on track.

Attend all of your classes

One of the easiest ways to get a higher grade is to attend every class. In this way, you are able to keep up with everything, and will not feel the need to catch up.

Sit near the front of the classroom

Sitting near the front results in a couple of positives: (1) You will not be as easily distracted, or have a hard time following the instruction, (2) Your professor may take notice that you are putting in more effort.

Take good notes

Do not just assume that you will remember each lesson offhand. Make sure to take well-organized notes. If your writing can be difficult to read, you may try rewriting your notes or typing them on computer after class.

Meet with the professor and teaching assistant regularly

Like sitting near the front of the class, meeting regularly with the professor and teaching assistant to discuss the lessons, and ask any questions, lets them know that you are serious about the class, and putting in your best effort, which can help with your final grade.

Complete all assignments

Completing all of your assignments to the best of your ability can help push your grade over the top from passing, to getting an A or a B.

Study regularly

Set a schedule for study times for yourself, and do not just cram for quizzes and tests. This will help lead to better retention of the class material.

Join a serious study group

Find another classmate or two that you can call or meet with to discuss the lessons or do class projects. Make sure he, she, or they, are serious about studying, and not easily distracted from the work. Make sure to hold up your responsibility in the group, by giving your best effort, as well.


There you have it, follow these easy steps, and be consistent with them, and you may be on your way to graduating toward the top of your class, and wear your medal on graduation day with pride. You may also receive better offers to the start of your new career, as well. Best wishes on your journey!

Note: for more relatability, you can read my own story on how I graduated college, and graduate school, with honors, toward the bottom of the personal life area section of this website.


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