Easy Ways to Avoid Gaining Weight From Comfort Foods

Have you had difficulty losing weight consistently? Do you lose several pounds, only to gain them back, because you’re eating junk food during the day, and rich desserts at night? Do you find it hard to keep a healthy lifestyle because you feel like you keep having to return to unhealthy snacks and sweets? If so, you’re not alone. Here are 6 ways you can avoid gaining weight from comfort foods.

  1. Stock your pantry with only healthy foods: the first place you normally turn to for food is your pantry, so if it contains only healthy food, that is the easiest way to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

  2. Cook and portion meals for the coming week ahead of time: if you have prepared meals, you will be less likely to have junk food, or order a pizza, when you feel hungry.

  3. Grocery shop when you’re not hungry, and use a list: if you go to the grocery store when you’re not hungry, and follow a list, you will be more likely to purchase foods that are healthier for you to bring home.

  4. If you are planning on going to a restaurant, read the menu online ahead of time, for healthy choices: by reading the restaurant menu online, you can avoid ordering unhealthy food that you are tempted by, when you are there.

  5. Bring healthy snacks, meals, and drinks to work: you can bring snacks like nuts and granola bars, balanced low-fat lunch meals, and drinks like unsweet iced tea or a smoothie, to work, instead of getting fast food, or junk food and sodas from the vending machine.

  6. Have a designated cheat meal during the week: have one day a week to have a cheat meal, when you can have comfort foods life pizza, soda, and/or a frappaccino. This will help you keep a healthy lifestyle, while allowing you to still enjoy yourself, sometimes. If you have a cheat meal every four days or so, like I do, that might be ok, as long as you are eating healthy the rest of the time.

There you go, you can follow this list for easy ways to avoid gaining weight from comfort foods. It may just take a little planning and preparation, but you can maintain or lose weight with these simple methods. If you do happen to give in to a junk food craving, don’t despair, just try to be consistent in having healthy foods, and follow a healthy lifestyle, and you will do well in the long-run.


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