5 Employee Best Workplace Practices To Help Streamline Your Career

Do you feel stick in the doldrums at work? Are you having trouble keeping a job, but not sure why? Are you interviewing for different positions, but not sure what the employer is looking for? Following is a list of “employee best workplace practices”, that if focused and acted on, can help you get, as well as keep, the job you want.


Be Professional

·      be punctual and ready to work

·      be dressed for success, and have on appropriate attire

·      be organized

·      limit small talk and, especially, gossip, with coworkers

·      handle your responsibilities

·      be a team player – help supervisors and coworkers when they need assistance


Be professional and take your work seriously. Do your best, and try to keep improving at what you do, as well as helping your supervisor and coworkers as much as possible, and you will have a better chance of keeping your job, and possibly being promoted.


Provide Quality Customer Service

·      “the customer is always right” – never argue with a client or customer

·      under sell and over deliver – exceed clients’ or customers’ expectations

·      focus on clients’ or customers’ wants and needs, and care about them

·      “go the extra mile” to help clients or customers as best as you can


Provide quality customer service, and you will help your company retain your clients or customers, as well as attract more of them. Great companies focus on promoting and giving high quality customer service.


Have a Positive Attitude

·      Be positive and enthusiastic

·      Try to spread friendliness and cheer


Positivity and enthusiasm are contagious. Bring them to your work, and you will make your workplace a happy place for your clients or customers, as well as your fellow coworkers.


Take Initiative

·      be a problem-solver: try to come up with possible solutions to a problem before asking your supervisor for help

·      go out of your way to satisfy clients or customers, especially if you’ve made a mistake or disappointed them in some way


Take responsibility for contributing to your company’s purpose, and try to solve problems there that will help keep and bring in more business. Also, if you can make a client’s or customer’s day better, go out of your way and take initiative to be helpful to him or her. It will reflect on you and the company, and your supervisor will be sure to notice your positive impact.


Be Respectful to Your Supervisors

·      do your best to follow their instructions and requests

·      help them look good to clients or customers by doing a great job

·      ask them for feedback on how you are performing, and suggestions on how to do better


Be respectful to your supervisors – they usually have more experience, as well as a reason for doing things their way. If you disagree with them, try to understand their perspective, and possibly speak with them in private, so as to honor their position. Also, ask them, from time to time, for feedback and suggestions on how to do your job better.

Start and Keep Practicing

There you are - these are some of the primary “employee best practices for the workplace.” If you keep with them, you are more likely to help your company retain and attract more clients or customers. You will, as well, probably be noticed over time by your coworkers and supervisors, and possibly earn a promotion. So go out there, and follow these practices, and help make your workplace the best it can be!


For more resources on “best workplace practices for employees”, check out these articles:








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