Ways Widows Can Raise Themselves Up From a Midlife Crisis

The earth-shattering loss of a mate can decimate your spirit, and the challenges of middle age may aggravate the heartache. Without intentional goals and activities that inspire positivity, you can devolve into despair. To help you along the way, Free Fundamentals shares these ideas to make the most of your midlife experience.

Empower Others With Your Wisdom

You've made it this far, and someone starting a similar experience may look to you for guidance. Study how to be a good friend and a compassionate counselor. Sometimes all a fellow sufferer needs is a shoulder to cry on, so focus first on being a good listener first. Offer sincere and specific commendation and share one or two pieces of actionable advice. Remember to check in to see how they're doing from time to time. Assisting others boosts your own spirits.

Learn Something New

Gaining a new skill or advancing to another level in a skill you already have fills you with pride and satisfaction. Continuous learning has multiple mental health benefits, such as improved memory and concentration. If you have basic skills in a language, try to level up in fluency. Consider taking up an instrument or learning a challenging piece on one that you already play. 

Recalibrate Your Life for Healthier Living

Simplify your schedule and stay focused on healthy living by acquiring products that make doing so enjoyable and easy. You might consider buying:

•       Smartwatches to track your activity level and sleep quality

•       An air fryer and toaster oven combo to enjoy fried favorites with less oil

•       An exercise bike with virtual journeys for motivation and training

•       A blender for tasty fruit smoothies

•       A percussive massage gun to relieve your sore muscles

•       An interactive workout mirror to track the effectiveness of your workouts

Strengthen Old Bonds

Finding time to reconnect with distant friends and loved ones can be a struggle. Set a goal to check in once a week with a card or text message. If you're worried a phone conversation will consume too much of your day, schedule a call between appointments so you have a convenient reason to say goodbye.

Take Control of Your Finances

Whether it’s debt, the inability to save money on the regular or just having poor money management habits, it’s crucial to get a hold of your finances now. Especially when it comes to eliminating debt or putting money aside for the future. 

To help pay off debt and free up cash, consider refinancing your home with a lower interest rate. The cash you save can go right into a retirement account or toward paying off debt. If you’re asking, “can I refinance an FHA loan?” The answer is yes! You can take advantage of lower rates and convert your FHA to a conventional loan. There are complexities to this, but when you work with a reputable lender who has all the information on your situation, they can guide you through the process.

Make a Career Pivot

If you don't feel fulfilled in your current job, investigate starting your own business in a surging market. Advertise your company with an attractive website, social media promotions, and appealing branding. 

Consider also attending networking events and getting to know other business professionals.

Eliminate Toxic Friends

You don't have time to waste on people who drain you. Limit time with associates and relatives who refuse to respect your boundaries and autonomy. Practice politely declining requests and invitations to hang out with toxic people.

Enjoy the Outdoors

Modern living can keep you indoors for too long. Take your workouts to the park or eat lunch on a bench outside. Start a garden to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air more regularly. Studies show that time outdoors lessens anxiety and promotes positivity.

Navigating life as a widow comes with a litany of obstacles, all of which are only compounded when you’re dealing with a midlife crisis. To find healing and to work toward living your best life, it’s crucial to make changes for the better. Take time to help others or volunteer, get a grip on your financial situation, focus on healthier living and eliminate toxic friendships to live the life you deserve.

Article by Annabelle Harris of elders.center

Annabelle Harris is a writer, wife, mother, and grandmother. She started blogging nearly a decade ago when she was still facing the prospect of retirement and old age. She was terrified and needed an outlet for her thoughts, fears, and uncertainties. It was through her first blog that she found the support of a community that truly helped her through the process of aging.

Photo Credit: Pexels

Annabelle Harris

Annabelle Harris is a writer, wife, mother, and grandmother. She started blogging nearly a decade ago when she was still facing the prospect of retirement and old age. She was terrified and needed an outlet for her thoughts, fears, and uncertainties. It was through her first blog that she found the support of a community that truly helped her through the process of aging.


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