How Seniors Can Easily Market Their New Business

Taking on the role of entrepreneur in your senior years can present challenges. This is especially true if you’re not quite comfortable with the internet, social media, and other digital marketing tools. Fortunately, there are many ways that you can get your business name out to the public, build your reputation, and grow your legacy.

Getting Started

If you’ve never started a new business before, you may be hesitant. After all, it’s something brand-new, and there are many moving parts to manage. The good news is that the basic steps can be broken down into bite-sized pieces that make sense for everyone. Free Fundamentals has covered this topic before and says to start with researching your finance options. Your next steps will be to form a business structure and work on your company’s brand.

What Is a Brand?

A brand is so much more than a business name, although you have to have that, too. Your brand identity is the way that people will know who you are versus the competition. It consists of everything from your logo to how you treat your customers. Before you start putting graphics together, however, you’ll need to know your brand’s personality and who you’re targeting.

Where to Reach Your Customers

Once you know your target audience and have the basics of your brand together, you can extend your reach. One simple social media platform to begin with is Instagram. You can create Instagram posts from free templates quickly and easily. These templates allow you to start with the basic design and then change elements, such as size, typeset, and text, to best showcase your post. You can even upload your photos. Instagram is an excellent platform to build brand awareness and convert your target audience into paying customers. Before you post on any social media, you should know who’s using it: Instagram is primarily for males outside of the United States but is the preferred social media platform for US teenagers.

You can also use your social media to reach customers offline. One great example is scheduling a giveaway at a local community event. Offering free samples, product demonstrations, or trials gives your customers a chance to go hands-on with your products and services. This way, they know that you can deliver what you promise.

Share Yourself

As a senior starting your first business, you likely plan to stick to your hometown. If this is the case, make sure that you share yourself with your friends and neighbors. A good place to start here is to add a biography on your website. Bet Hannon Business Services offers great tips, including adding a photo and a bit of insight into your hobbies and interests. Your biography can be casual or formal, depending on what your business does. What’s important is to make the human connection.

Another great way to share yourself with customers and colleagues is to join a networking group. This could be at your local co-working space or in an industry organization that caters to entrepreneurs in your space. You might also consider joining the Chamber of Commerce and attending monthly luncheons, ribbon cuttings, and other events that get you out into the community.

Starting a business as a senior is a great way to supplement your income and live your dreams. Don’t be intimidated by the fast-moving world of the internet. Instead, use technology to your advantage by creating eye-catching posts that help you show your community what you’re all about. But, don’t forget about keeping the human connection by offering people an opportunity to meet and greet you and your products.

Article by Annabelle Harris of

Annabelle Harris is a writer, wife, mother, and grandmother. She started blogging nearly a decade ago when she was still facing the prospect of retirement and old age. She was terrified and needed an outlet for her thoughts, fears, and uncertainties. It was through her first blog that she found the support of a community that truly helped her through the process of aging.

If you want to live a happier, healthier life, stick to the fundamentals. Free Fundamentals is a great place to start, and we offer a vast library of articles, blog posts, e-books, and resources to help you live simply and happily.

Image via Pexels

Annabelle Harris

Annabelle Harris is a writer, wife, mother, and grandmother. She started blogging nearly a decade ago when she was still facing the prospect of retirement and old age. She was terrified and needed an outlet for her thoughts, fears, and uncertainties. It was through her first blog that she found the support of a community that truly helped her through the process of aging.

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