Actual Example Surveys to Help You Create and Improve Successful Youth Programs

Surveys can be a lifesaver if you are in charge of youth programs. They can make the difference between having full and successful classes, activities, and events, or boring ones with limited attendance. It is impossible to know what programs would be successful, unless you ask the participants, and their parents, directly.

Following are actual, amended, surveys used from my past workplace, for parents of youths, as well as for youths specifically, which can give you an idea of the type of format and questions to use, to get a better idea of what programs to have, and what changes to implement in them.

Youth Center

Recreation Programs: Parents’ Survey


The Youth Center is committed to meeting the needs of youth in the community. Please answer the following questions regarding your interests, so that we may be able to serve you better.


With which programs do you feel we have served your child or children best?


In what areas do you think we can improve our programming?


What new classes, activities, and/or field trips would you like to see?


Please rate from 1 to 5 (1 being least effective and 5 being most effective) which marketing methods you think reach you best?


                                                                   _ Calendar                                                    

            _ Word-of-Mouth                                        

            _ E-mail                                              

            _ Texts

  _ Flyers                                              


Would you sign up for, and how helpful would a weekly e-mail promoting programs and special events be?

How can we improve our program scheduling?

Thank you very much for your participation, and for giving us at the Youth Center the opportunity to serve you better.

Youth Recreation Program Survey


Be the master of your destiny in helping to create your Youth Program!

Please answer the following questions to help shape cool and fun programs and activities that you want to have here for you at the Youth Center.

How can we make programs and activities more fun and interesting to go to?


What NEW programs and activities would you like to be a part of?


What NEW field trips, camps, and events would you like to have?


What NEW games and sports would you like to play in the gym?


Are you interested in theater, art, and dance? If so, what types?

What topics would you like to learn outside of school?


What careers would you like to learn about from guest speakers?


What could we do to make the youth area and program more cool and fun?


Thank you for helping to create your Youth Program destiny here at the Youth Center. Stay tuned for more ways to help make the Youth Program more cool and fun to be a part of!


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